Special Handouts

Welcome to our Special Handouts Section (on Yes Entrance Exam
  • Our Handouts (on Yes Entrance Exam) are unique
  • If you want to know what make our handouts unique, you could read them on II (unique features our handouts, see below)!
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Attention Please!
  • All previous handouts have been updated based on 'Entrance' and 'New Curriculum'!
  • All New handouts are also prepared based on 'Entrance' and 'New Curriculum'!
  • 'G-12 Entrance'/'Entrance'/'Grade 12 Entrance' refers to Ethiopian University Entrance Exam (EUEE) or Ethiopian Secondary School Leaving Exam (ESSLE) which have been given sincec1995EC upto Now (English Exams)!
  • 'New Curriculum' refers New Curriculum (MoE, 2023: Ethiopia: English)!
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I. List of Handouts (English)
Click here and find/look for any handout that you want! 

II. Unique Features Our Handouts

Our Handouts (on Yes Entrance Exam) have a number of unique features; they are briefly  summarized under 2 general categories:
  • Problems of Existing Materials
  • Observable Features of Our Handouts

A. Problems of Existing Materials
Our handouts are prepared based on existing problems (of existing materials that are read by students). The next problems are among these:
  • Too short: Some of the contents of these materials  are 'too short'!
  • Too broad: Contrary to the above, some are 'too broad'!
  • Lack of Attention to Confusing Areas:
    • In English or other subjects, there are many confusing areas that confusing most students but no/less attention is given for such type of areas.
    • Almost all the materials which I have reviewed didn't give for most of the areas that confuse most students.
  • Problems Organization and Presentation 
    • The contents are not organized and presented in attractive and memorable ways. 
    • There is no/less memory enhancing mechanisms.

B. Observable Features of Our Handouts 
Our handouts have a number of observable unique features (anyone could see on each handout); they are briefly summarized under the next 3 general points:
1. Comprehensive + Attractive + Memorable
  • Our handouts are 'comprehensive': all the necessary concepts have been collected and included.
  • They are ummarized and presented in very attractive and memorable ways using different memory enhancing mechanisms.
2. Focusing on Confusing Areas:
  • Our handouts focuse on areas that confuse students/areas which are given less attention.
  • We include these (in our handouts) in various ways, such as: 
    • 'Confusing Areas', 
    • 'Special Attention Areas'
    • 'Attention Please'
    • 'Note' etc...
3. Integrated: 
  • Our handouts are integrated with other related and very important materials:
    • Grade 12 Entrance Exam Questions
    • Explanation with Exam Techniques
    • Answers for each question 
Note: 'Existing materials' refers to learning/teaching materials (such as students textbooks, reference books and others) which are read by students for exams (Grade 12 Entrance Exam and others)!


  1. Teacher asirraan si hordofuun nu rakkisa jira akkam ammallee nooti huda arkacha hin jirru

  2. Can you do a passage of questions for us?


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