Handout on: TENSE with Grade 12 Entrance Exams: (Questions+ Explanation+Exam Techniques): PART-2: By Million Abebe (MA in English/TEFL and B. Ed. Degree in Pedagogy): 2023


Brief Overview
Welcome to our Special Handouts section! All the sections and the contents in our website (Yes Tutorial) have their own unique features! Similarly, the handout section also has 3 unique/ key features that make it different from any handout/note anywhere! 
☞ As mentioned on the title, this is handout-2 (part-2 on tense) with New 2014/2022 Grade 12 Entrance Exams! If you like:

1.2. Present Continuous Tense

1. Forms and Uses of Present Continuous Tense 
Present continuous tense is used to express the following actions.
  • We use to express an action which is going on or taking place at the time of speaking.
  • To talk about an action taking place around now but not exactly now.
  • To talk about preplanned action/ predetermined future action. (see...)
  • Now, we are watching the game between Arsenal and Chelsea .
  • Look, it is raining.
  • This year, they are preparing themselves for grade 10 National Examinations.
  • Nowadays, environmental pollution is affecting different parts of the world.
  • Ali: What are you doing, Mekdes, tomorrow? Mekdes: I am revising my note for next week’s exam.
2. Points to be Considered!
There are some misunderstanding concerning present continuous tense! Continuous tenses (any: present/past/perfect...) to be continuous tenses, at least the following criteria must be full filled:
♦ There must be 'verb to be':
  • is, am, are, was and were for present and past continuous tenses. --> subject + be + 'ing'
  • 'be' as it is for future continuous tense and with modal verbs--> subject + modal + be + 'ing'
  • 'been' present, past perfect and future continuous tenses.--> subject + have/has/had+been + 'ing'
♦ The main verb must be 'ing'.
♦ The action must going on in that specified time.
♦ The main verb must be long action verbs
  • State verbs cannot be used (for exceptional state verbs see...)! 
  • Short action verbs (stop, jump...) can't be used in continuous tenses.

1.3. Present Perfect Tense

1. Forms and Uses of Present Perfect Tense
We use present perfect to express:
♣ To express past action that does not have definite
time. That means the action is more important than the time. If the time is not mentioned and only an action is mentioned we use present perfect.
♣ To express an action that began in the past & 
continue up to the time of speaking. It is used with since/for. The action may or not continue after that time.
♣ To express an action that recently completed but the
effect still exists. The action has already begun and completed .
  • have done my home work.
  • have not done my home work.
  • Have you done your home work?
  • His watch has been stolen.
  • Abdi has written a letter to his girl friend. (The time is not stated)
  • Kebede has lived in Mekele for ten years. (Still he is there.). 
  • The robbers have broken the bank. Look, there is no window or door on the bank.
2. Additional Information

♥ After ‘has or have’ if they are used as helping verb, we
must use verb3 (past participle).
♥ Use 'has' only for third person singular (he, she ,it etc)
♥ Verb ‘has/have’ can be used as main verb and helping verb.
  • In present perfect tense before verb3, it is used as helping verb.
  •  If  ‘has/have’ is used after verb ‘have’, it is main verb (meaning to show property, eating or drinking or taking something, etc.).
  • Look the next examples and identify the verb have which is used as main verb, as helping verb!
  • have asked many questions but no one has answered.
  • have had many questions to ask but I haven't asked any question.

1.4. Present Perfect Continuous

1. Forms and Uses Present Perfect Continuous
Present perfect continuous tense is used for the following purposes:
♦ An action that began in the past and going on up to
the speaking. When it is expressed by ‘’since or for’’, the action began in the past and continued up to the time of speaking. The action may or may not continue in the future.
♦ Action began and completed but effect exist
An action that began in the past and completed now but the effect still exists. The action is recently completed but the result can be observed or perceived from what happened. 
  • have been learning Maths and English since grade one.
  • It has been raining for three hours.
  • I can’t help you. I am very tired because I has been running for 2 hours the morning. (Being tire is the result of running.)
  • The road is full of mud as it has been raining for more than 3 hours. 
  • We have been swimming. That is why our hair is wet. (wet is the result)
2. Points to be Considered
Sometimes, the uses of present perfect tense and present perfect continuous tense overlap! See the next summary box!

1.5. Some Confusing Time Expressions 

In relation to ‘tense’ questions, one of the main problem areas for many students is questions about 'yet, never, ever, still, already, just, since, until, for, ago...’! 
No more confusion! Brief and clear explanations have been given below! But do (if you haven't yet done them) the next pre-test questions before reading the explanations!
1. Pre-test 2: Present Tenses 
Grade 12 Entrance Exam 2014/2022 questions are included in this pre-test! 
Choose the best answer!
1. "Just a moment, please!" "The room ________." said 
the teacher. (G-12: 2014) 
A. has been cleaned  
B. is cleaned  C. is cleaning  
D. is being cleaned
2. Can you guess what _____ in this room now? 
(G-12: 2014)
A. is being doing  B. has been doing  
C. is being done  D. is doing
3. I don't have a long standing acquaintance with Lojo, 
but I already feel that I ____ her for years. (G-12: 2014)
A. had known  B. knew  
C. have been knowing  
D. have known
4. Dangote has lived in Adama ______ his graduation 
from university.
A. since  B. for  
C. untill   D. ago
5. Dangote has lived in Adama since he ____ from
A. graduates        B. graduated   
C. will graduate   D. has graduated
6. Dangote has lived in Adama until he ____ from
A. graduates         B. graduated   
C. will graduate   D. has graduated
7. I’m wet; I ______ clothes since morning. (G-12: 2002)
A. washed             B. was washing  
C. I am washing   D. have been washing
8.He has improved a lot since he ____ her. (G-12: 2002)
A. married           B. is married
C. was married   D. has married
9. She ____ really interested in boys of her age. 
(G-12: 2004)
A. was ever 
B. was never been 
C. is never being 
D. has never been
10. I have not ______ heard anything about my girlfriend 
since we separated; I do not know what to do?
A. for     B. since 
C. yet    D. never
11. I have not seen my girlfriend __ last week. I do not
 know what to do?
A. for      B. since 
C. yet     D. until
12. I have not seen my girlfriend __ long time. I do not
 know what to do?
A. for     B. since 
C. yet     D. never
13. My girlfriend’s phone is _____ switched off. I can’t
 communicate ____. what shall I do?
A. still/ already 
B. not yet/ still 
C. never/ still 
D. still/ yet
14. I see new machine unloaded in her premises. I 
think, she ________ production soon. (G-12: 2008: I)
A. start     B. will start 
C. may be starting 
D. is going to start
15. Grade 12 Biology is so easy to study that most of 
the students have_____ covered all the topics.  
A. ago        B. already 
C. never    D. yet 
2. Explanations for Some Confusing Time Expressions
A. Yet, never and ever
These 3 time expressions are among the 
expressions that confuse students in tense. Because they have some common features but completely different!
♦ All of them are used to express negative action: 
something that hasn't been done upto the time of speaking. But they have also great difference!
  • Yet is used for delayed action: an action which is expected/must to be done but not done. 
  • Never and ever are used for an action that hasn't been done but not expected/must to be done! But they (never & ever) have some difference!
- Never is used without negative words/verbs (not, no, none....) as it is negative, by itself!
- Ever is used with negative words/verbs (not, no, none....) as it is NOT negative, by itself, it needs negative words/verbs to sowh negative idea.
  • I am left with only one day to submit my assignment but I haven't yet finished it. (Must be done but not done!)
  • have never cheated my boyfriend. (Not MUST!)
  • haven't ever cheated my boyfriend. (Not MUST!)
♦ Both yet and ever are used for question. But they 
have great difference:
  • 'Yet' is used for something expected/must to be done but delayed (hasn't been done). In this case, the statement could positive or negative; mostly, 'yet' is used at the end.
  • 'Ever' is used for an action that hasn't been done but not expected/must to be done!
  • Have you ever cheated on exam?
  • Haven't you finished your assignment yet?
♦ 'Ever' could be used for positive to make comparison. For example, you are the most talkative person I have ever seen in my life!
B. Still
The other confusing time expression is 'still'!
♦ It is used to indicate that an action is prolonged or
lasted or going on more/longer than it is expected.
♦ It is used for positive statement as well as question.
♦ Its position is, mostly, between the auxiliary verb (if 
any) and main verb.
♦ It is used for something which is MUST to be ended but not ended.
  • s + still + verb
  • s + auxiliary verb + still + verb
  • still + s + verb (for more emphasis)
  • It has still been raining for more than 3 hours.
  • She still remembers her first boyfriend, after 20 years.
  • Does she still remember her boyfriend after 20 years?
  • Dawit and Roza graduated from university 10 years ago. But they still live with their parents.
  • I know that Dawit and Roza graduated from university 10 years ago. Do they still live with their parents?
Notice: Sometimes, it is used for negative.
♦ Sometimes, 'still' could be used in negative statements.
We use it to show that the continuing situation is not desired or is surprising or to make more emphasis. For something that wasn’t true in the past and continues not to be true in the present.
♦ In this case, 'still' and 'yet' overlap and confuse students. 
  • The statement with 'yet' and the one with 'still' are nearly the same in meaning. 
  •  The difference is the positions. The only difference is the positions!
♥ s + still + auxiliary verb + not + main verb
♥ s + auxiliary verb + not + main verb.... + yet
  • Hana and Obsa got divorced; both married others 30 years ago.
- But Obsa still can't stop his love for Hana!
- But Obsa can't stop his love for Hana yet!
  • More than 100 known scientists have made detail investigation on coronavirus.
- But the causes still haven't been known.
- But the causes haven't been known yet.

Additional Explanation: positions
  • 'Yet' could be used in mid-position (...) or at the end of a sentence/clause. But the most preferable/formal position is the END
  • These work for both statements (negative) and also questions (negative or positive)! 
  • In positive statements, 'still' is used in mid-position  (s + still + verb/s + auxiliary verb + still + main verb) and at the beginning for emphasis. 
  • But in negative, 'still' is used after the subject.
♦ If you are asked to choose one of the two, 'yet' is more preferable

Note: Still vs till/until
Most students are confused with these two terms. But they are completely different and used for different purposes; they have different forms/structures.
  • 'Till/until' is used to say 'upto'; it shows end point; it is followed by 'noun'/'phrase'/ 'clause'!
  • As mentioned above, 'still' is used for action/event going on longer than expected. It is followed by verb (except when it comes at the beginning of a clause/sentence).
  • Now, it is mid-night; everyone slept. But Jalenne is still sitting and waiting for her boyfriend's phone call.
  • Jalenne has waited her boyfriend's phone call until/till mid-night.
  • Jalenne has been waiting for her boyfriend's phone call until/till mid-night.
  • Meron and Kume graduated 3 years ago, the same year from the same university. Meron has lived with her parents until/till she graduated but Kume is still living with her parents.
NB: 'until' and ' till' are... until is more formal! 
C. Already vs Just
♦ They have some common features. Both are used for
 positive actions/state. In terms of positions, mostly, hey are used in mid-position.
  • s + already/just + verb
  • s + auxiliary verb already/just + verb
♦ When it comes to the purposes, both 'already' and 
'just' are used for different purposes.
  •  Already is used to show that something happened quicker /sooner than expected or before now, or a particular time. It is used for positive or question. It could be used with all tenses but never with future!
  • 'Just' is used for something that happened a short time ago/ at a moment. It is used to say "on time/exactly/ immediately before speaking time".... To say that we did something very recently.
    It is used with positive statement. It can be used with all tenses.

  • They have already studied and covered most of the portion though they are left with more months.
  • Have you already finished your exam?
  • already know all what you are talking now.
  • Do you already know all what I am talking now?
  • I have just heard news about Russia-Ukraine conflict.
  • We were together just few minutes ago!
D. Since vs Until/till
When you look them, it may seem simple their difference but they are very confusing, especially, when students are asked questions related to these.
1. Dangote has lived in Adama ______ his graduation 
from university. 
A. since  B. for  
C. untill   D. ago
2. Dangote has lived in Adama since he ____ from
A. graduates  B. graduated   
C. will graduate D. has graduated
3. Dangote has lived in Adama until he ____ from
A. graduates  B. graduated   
C. will graduate D. has graduated
4. I’m wet; I ______ clothes since morning. (G-12: 2002)
A. washed B. was washing  
C. I am washing 
D. have been washing
5.He has improved a lot since he _____ her. (G-12: 2002)
A. married B. is married  
C. was married D. has married
Brief Rules
These two time expressions have similarity and difference.
♦ They have some common features.
  • Both of them are used for point of time.
  • Both could be used for both positive and also negative ideas/actions.
♦In addition to the above common features, they have some difference. 
  • Specifically, they are used for different 'purposes'! 
  • They are also different in terms of 'forms' and 'tenses' to be used them.
  • Purposes: 'Since' is used for starting point whereas 'until' is used for end point. 
  • Forms: since + starting point; until + end point 
  • Tenses: 'Since' could be used with present perfect/present perfect continuous tense and simple past. But 'until' could be used with almost all tenses.
  • We don't know each other until we are talking freely like this.
  • We fear ach other until we are talking freely like this.
  • We have been living together since we met at university 20 years ago.
  • We have not seen each others since we graduated together from university 20 years ago.
Whenever you are asked questions related to 'since'/ 'until', think carefully!
♦ To choose one of the two (since and until), look for clues starting/end point! When you are asked to use one of the two (since and until)! 
To use  'since' or 'until', the forms ('since' + starting point and 'until' + end pount) are not enough! 
  • You have to have clear clue/clues that help you to know these. Look for clues that enable you to know whether the idea after the blank space is 'starting point' or 'end point'! 
  • For example, look questions number 1 and 2 (above). These questions don't have answers unless something that could be used as clue is added. Look again the modified questions.
Q. Dangote has lived in Adama ______ his graduation 
from university. After that he went to Bahir Dar and still there. 
A. since  B. for  
C. untill   D. ago
Q. Dangote has lived in Adama ______ his graduation 
from university. Before that he was in Bahir Dar for his study. 
A. since  B. for  
C. untill   D. ago
Look the first question, the idea after blank space refers end point (clue: "After that he went to Bahir Dar and still there.")! Eliminate all the choices except C. 
 Ans. C
Again look the sentence "Before that he was in Bahir Dar for his study." in the second question. It shows that Dangote began living in Adama his graduation is the starting point because before that he was in Bahir Dar.
Ans. A
♦ To choose Tenses: When you are asked to use tense (to choose tense, taking 'since' as clue!
Look carefully the clause in which you are asked to use tense: is it 'main clause' or 'time clause'?
Q. I’m wet; I ______ clothes since morning. (G-12: 2002) 
A. washed      B. was washing  
C. I am washing  D. have been washing
Q.He has improved a lot since he _________ her. (G-12: 2002) 
A. married B. is married  
C. was married D. has married
Explanation: since + elimination technique
Look both the above questions; you are asked to choose correct tenses. In both questions, we can take 'since' as a 'clue'!. Then check carefully the clause in which you are asked to use the tenses. Look in the first question, you are asked in 'main clause' whereas in the second question, 'time clause'.
From your previous knowledge/above discussion,
♦In 'main clause', we use present perfect or present perfect continuous tense.
♦ In 'time clause', we use simple past.
  • present perfect/present perfect continuous tense + since + simple past
Note: 'Starting point'/ 'end point' could be noun/phrase/clause!
Based on these, look the choices under each question and then eliminate all unrelated choices.
Ans. D&A respectively
Q. Dangote _____ in Adama Science and Technology University since he ____ from Germany.
A. teaches/came back  
B. taught/comes back    
C. has taught/has come back   
  • I have been studying Medicine in Bahir Dar University since I joined the University, last year.
  • I have been studying Medicine in Bahir Dar University since last year.
♠ 'Main clause' refers clause in which 'since'/ 'until' is not used whereas 'time clause' refers the clause in which 'since'/ 'until' is used!
♠ 'Until' could be used with all types of tenses but 'since' could be used only with present perfect/present perfect continuous tense and simple past.
E. For Vs ago
These two time expressions have similarity and difference.
♦ Similarity: Both are used with length of time.
♦ Difference:
  • for + length point of time (before)
  • length point of time + ago (after)
♦ If you are asked to use tense with them:
‘For’: with both present perfect tense and simple past tense.
  • If the action is ended action, use simple past (V2)
  • If the action is going on, use present perfect/cont.
♦ But ago’ is mostly used with simple past.
· Selam and Ebisa lived together 15 years ago.
· Selam and Ebisa lived together for15 years.
· He left this room 3 hours ago.

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Part3 Special Handouts on others (all tenses) coming soon...!

 Integrated Materials
 More than 12 tense related materials are given below!
  1.  Handout on Tense: Part-3
  2. Handout on Some Confusing in TENSES 
  3. Special English Worksheet Focusing only on Present Tense 
  4. English Answers for Especial Worksheet on Present Tense: 
  5. Handout: Summary on Verb to be (by Million Abebe) 
  6. Answers for Worksheet 2 on Quantifiers, Tense and Subject-verb Agreement (By Million Abebe: 2013/2021) 
  7. Worksheet (2): on Quantifiers, Tense and Subject-verb Agreement (Worksheet-2) Million Abebe (MA in English): 2021 
  8. Exam Techniques: Part FOUR: How to Answer Tense Questions Using RET (By Million Abebe: MA in English and B. Ed. Degree in Pedagogical Sciences)  
  9. NEW QUESTIONS FROM GRADE 12 Entrance Exam (2012EC): English: Tense Questions+ Answers + Explanation 
  10. English Answers for NEW QUESTIONS FROM GRADE 12 Entrance Exam (2012EC): English: Tense by Million Abebe (MA in English) 
  11. All in ONE: More than 80 Tense questions by Million Abebe (MA in English)
  12. ENGLISH ANSWERS: For Worksheet on TENSE: by Million Abebe
  13. English Language Handout: On State Verbs: For Grades 9-12 Students by Million Abebe (MA in English)
  14. English Worksheet on Past Tense and Future Tense: For Grades 9-12 (By Million Abebe)



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