Our Content Policy

Background Information
There are 3 key issues we want to make clear before directly starting our policy/guiding principles.
  • Our main mission is supporting students' journey by providing research-based integrated free supportive education materials/services.
  • We do the works for which we have strong background (educational background, work experience, strong interest) read more...
  • Currently, we are using Google's product "Bloggger.com" free plan. As a result, we comply with the policies/programs/ any other principles Google that concern us! We also expect that our users are, too!

The following points/principles are among the guiding principles that our users are supposed to expect from us at the same time what are expected of them!
1. Originality of our Contents
1.1. Most works
As repeatedly mentioned (if you may read) in unique features sections or in the research, most of our works are fully or partially original works of ours.
1.2. No works
  • There is no work that is fully taken taken from other sources, except National Exam questions.
  • Sometimes, we take these questions purposely (may customized based on our purposes) by making proper citations.
  • We do this as we are not authorized to prepare our own National Exam questions!
1.3. Making proper citations:
  • For each work which may be taken from other sources, proper citations are made just like any other intellectual works.
  • All our works are free for students and also home consumption users. But if users want to use in their formal writing, they should make proper citations.
  • Anyone violating (either by the users or us, the authors) this principle is expected to be reported in our 'Report Abuse' box! Or directly reporting to Google since currently we are using its product "Blogspot.com" free plan (as mentioned above).
2. Free materials
As repeatedly mentioned, our contents are contents.
2.1. Reading for free: 
Anyone (students or other users) could read them in online/by saving/downloading/printing for free.
2.2. Advantages and disadvantages:
Each option (reading in online/by saving/ downloading/ printing) has its own advantages and also disadvantages. We have clearly mentioned.
Users should see these and be awared before using our options, users are expected to these and be awared read more ......
2.3. Sharing materials:
  • Students and other users should feel free to share our materials for free.
  • Even they are kindly asked to share the materials (but only for home consumption)!
3. Giving information and integrated materials
3.1. Additional information:
  • In addition to the general information (on unique features and also the research), additional information is given within each material when needed.
  • This is done as 'overview'/'adinfo'/ 'existing problems'/'unique features'.. . 
  • We done these since we believe that users should be awared about the materials.
3.2. Integrated materials:
  • Within each material, different integrated/related materials/links are given.
  • Students and other users should see such types of information and integrated materials!
For example, if you take a single worksheet, there are at least 3 integrated materials .... (see more... ...)!
4. Updating is made repeatedly
  • We make a number of updating repeatedly starting from simple/minor correction/editing upto complete change.Students and other users are expected to get updated!
5. To be Updated
The above mentioned points are among our guiding principles. But they will be updated based on the feedbacks and also the scope of our services. 


  1. I recently took a look at the John Deere 4020, and it seems like a fantastic fit for my small vegetable farm. I also thought about the Kubota B2601 due to its compact design. Nevertheless, the John Deere 4440 has received a lot of praise for more demanding field tasks. Another solid choice is the John Deere 790, which offers a nice blend of power and efficiency. Now, I'm considering whether the John Deere 2010 might be the best option for my farm's expansion. What do you think I should purchase?


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