Grade 12 Entrance Exams: English: 1995-2015EC: "Word Order/Jumbled Words Questions": (Part-3): with Explanation and Exam Techniques: Handout: By Million Abebe (MA in English and B. Ed. Degree in Pedagogy): 2023

General Overview
The questions are presented in two parts: part one includes 2000-2007EC and part two includes 2008-2013EC. In addition to the questions and their answers, five materials have been included. Handout (brief note about sentences), exam techniques that show students how to answer any word order questions. Explanations for these exam (Grade 12 Entrance Exam Questions) have been given on some selected questions. Worksheets and model exam questions that related to word order questions have also been included!
Note: If you are reading this in online, click below links. But if you are reading this on pdf, go to our Website: "Yes Supportive Education Service" and read them!
Note: The questions of 2001EC and 2003EC questions are being organized; they will be posted in near future!
If you like to see part ONE click the links (for online readers).
DIRECTIONS: The following words are NOT in the proper order. When put in the right order, they make correct sentences. From the given alternatives, choose the one that is correct and blacken the letter of your choice in the separate answer sheet.

Grade 12 Entrance Exam: English: 2008/2016: Word Order Questions (Ethiopia)

1. Shume dog our little killed. (2008)
A. Our Shume little dog killed.
B. Shume killed our little dog.
C. Dog killed our Shume little.
D. Our little dog Shume killed.
2. to please what do tell you they. (2008)
A. Please, they tell you to do what.
B. Please, you tell they what to do.
C. Please, do what they tell you to.
D. Please, you do tell to they What.
3. breakfast to bread are have going for we. (2008)
A. We are going to have bread for breakfast.
B. We are going to have for breakfast bread.
C. We are for breakfast going to have bread.
D. We are going for bread to have breakfast.
4. medicine take are than instructed you never more to. (2008)
A. Take more medicine than you are never instructed to.
B. Never take more medicine than you are instructed to.
C. You are instructed never to take more than medicine.
D. You are never instructed to take more than medicine.
5. way there similar could apes in humans be no which to are. (2008)
A. There could be humans which no way are in similar to apes.
B. There are no humans which could be in way similar to apes.
C. There could be no way in which humans are similar to apes.
D. There are apes which could no way be in similar to humans.

Grade 12 Entrance Exam: English: 2009/2017: Word Order Questions (Ethiopia)

1. In my hospital sister a works. (2009)
A. My hospital works in a sister. 
B. My sister in a hospital works. 
C. My sister works in a hospital. 
D. In a hospital works my sister. 
2. Any to don’t us seem more understand they. (2009)
A. To understand us they don’t seem any more. 
B. They don’t seem to understand us any more. 
C. Any more they don’t seem to understand us. 
D. They seem to don’t understand us any more. 
3. The work for she twenty-two she company to when was started. (2009)
A. She for the company started to work when she was twenty-two.
B. She when was twenty-utwo she started to work for the company. 
C. She started to work for the company when she was twenty-two. 
D.When she started to work for the company, she was twenty-two. 
4. You I you say to for did want for all us thank. (2009)
A. I want to say thank you for all you did for us. 
B. You want to say I thank you for all did for us. 
C. I did want you for all for us to say thank you. 
D. You say I want to thank you for all did for us. 

Grade 12 Entrance Exam: English: 2010/2018: Word Order Questions (Ethiopia)

1. Planet could on our how that have beyond implications understanding life go far started Earth. (2010)
A. How life started on our Earth could have understanding implication beyond planet that go far. 
B. Earth could have understanding implications that go far beyond how our planet started on life. 
C. Understanding how life started on Earth could have implications that go far beyond our planet.
D. Our planet could have implications how life go far started beyond that understanding on Earth. 
2. That anything me don’t to like again say. (2010)
A. Don’t again say like that anything to me.
B. Don’t say anything like that to me again. 
C. Don’t to me say anything like that again. 
D. Don’t say anything to me like that again. 
3. Lung pollution is causes why air obvious cancer. (2010)
A. Why lung cancer causes air pollution is obvious.
B. Lung cancer causes why air pollution is obvious.
C. Why causes lung cancer air pollution is obvious.
D. Why air pollution causes lung cancer is obvious.
4. It to wanted you today me do. (2010)
A. You wanted me to do it today. 
B. Today you wanted it me to do.
C. It wanted you to do it today. 
D. Me wanted you to do it today. 
5. In got has house all money new the her she. (2010)
A. She has got her money all in the new house. 
B. She has got all her money in the house. 
C. She has all her new money got in the house. 
D. All her money she has got in the new house.

Grade 12 Entrance Exam: English: 2011/2019: Word Order Questions (Ethiopia)

1. they who are know do you? (2011)
A. Do they know who are you? 
B. Who are you do they know?
C. Do they know who you are? 
D. Who do you know they are?
2. his bet would I heart she win. (2011)
A. I bet she would win his heart. 
B. I would win she bet his heart.
C. I win his heart she would bet. 
D. She would win I bet his heart.
3. the elsewhere is of unfriendly town people full from. (2011)
A. The town is unfriendly full of people from elsewhere.
B. The town is full of unfriendly people from elsewhere.
C. Unfriendly people from elsewhere is full of the town.
D. From elsewhere is the town full of unfriendly people.
4. before were in they a all packed room interrogation tiny started. (2011)
A. They were all packed in tiny room before interrogation started.
B. Before they were packed started all interrogation in tiny room.
C. Interrogation were started before they all packed in tiny room.
D. All packed in tiny room before they were started interrogation.
5. a take half it one days to may and cure. (2011)
A. It may take one and half days to a cure. 
B. It may take a one and half days to cure.
C. It may take to cure one and a half days. 
D. It may take one and a half days to cure

Grade 12 Entrance Exam: English: 2012/2020: Word Order Questions (Ethiopia)                       


Grade 12 Entrance Exam: English: 2013/2021: Word Order Questions (Ethiopia)     

