Grade 12 Entrance Exam: English Questions on: Comparison, as, like, as if, as though, alike, unlike.. ... with Explanation and Exam Techniques: By Million Abebe (MA in English and B. Ed. Degree in Pedagogy): 2023

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2014EC Grade 12 Entrance Exam + Other Entrance Exams + New Questions: English! 


As it has been mentioned on the title, this worksheet presents questions on "comparison, as, like, as if, as though, alike, unlike...: New Edition: Including 2014 Entrance"! But if you like to read handouts on these contents, visit the next links: 
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Note: The answers are given at the END; see them!
Choose the best answer!
Challenge 1
1. ______ English is much harder than speaking. (G-12: 2014)
A. Getting writing    B. To write  
C. Writing                  D. Having writing
2. My grade this semester is ____ than my first 
semester's. (G-12: 2014)
A. so much better    B. best  
C. so good                D. much better
3. Which one is ______, a lemon or a blueberry. (G-12: 2014)
A. the most bitter        B. the better bitter  
C. more bitter              D. the more the better
4. I have read _____ I did last year; it has been a terribly busy year for me. (G-12: 2014)
A. few book this year as    
B. fewer books this year than
C. few books this year than   
D. fewer books this year as
5. She has just had a haircut; she _______ 20 in this new hair style, doesn't she? (G-12: 2014)
A. looks at                        
B. look like   
C. as if she becomes      
D. looks as if she were
6. Our housemaid is really a nice woman. She ______ a mother. (G-12: 2014)
A. is as     B. is like     C. acts    D. looks
7. Recently, Western Governments are putting _______ on Ethiopian Government. This is, in turn, making the Government _____ ever.
A. the more and the more pressure/stronger than
B. more and more pressure/ more stronger than
C. more and more pressure/stronger than
D. the more, the more pressure/stronger and stronger
8. John smokes _____ now than he used to because he has been warned by doctor.
A. very less               B. much less
C. more and more   D. less and less
9. It has been observed that _____ human beings, animals have also been killed by the Rebellions in the conflict areas.
A. unlike   B. as    C. alike   D. just like
10. The Rebellions have killed even animals  _____ they have done on human beings in the conflict areas.
A. as though    B. like      C. as if     D. as
11. The Rebellions have killed even animals in the conflict areas _____ animals had been their enemies.
     A. as    B. like     C. as if   D. just like
12. Berudin Edris is top student ______ Murad Hussein.
        A. unlike   B. like    C. alike    D. as if
13. Berudin Edris has scored best result on Grade 12 National Exam ______ Murad Hussein has done.
A. like      B. as if     C. alike   D. as
14. Berudin's and Murad's behaviour are ______
        A. like    B. the same as     C. alike    D. as
15. Do you know that Urgessa uses his cycle ______ 
car to carry materials.
A. as    B. like    C. as if   D. looks like
16. _______ you attend your class and study, _____ 
confident you will be when the exam is approaching.
A. The less/ the more            B. The more/ the more
C. The more and the less      D. The more/ the less
17. My elder sister is seen ______ the role model in our
 family. I want to be ______ her in future
A. as /as though            B. like/as
C. as/just like                  D. unlike/as if
18. My elder sister acts ______ she were our boss at home.
A. looks like     B. like      C. as if     D. as
19. My elder sister is seen ______ our boss by the 
whole family. Each of us does our homework  ___ says to do.
A. like/as           B. like/as if  
C. as/just like    D. unlike/as if
20. Please, choose two students ______ monitors of 
this class.
A. unlike    B. like     C. alike    D. as
Challenge 2
21. The _____ you prepared yourself for the exam, the 
______ mark you get.
A. earlier/best          B. earlier/better
C. early/best            D. earlier/good
 22. What an awful thing! I thought the weather would 
be _____in April, but it actually got ____. (G-12: Entrance)
A. worse/better         B. good/better   
C. better/worse        D. good/worse
23. Sara is not _______ she used to be. (G-12: Entrance)
A. a good singer as       B. as good a singer as
C. as a good singer       D. so good a singer than
24. I have not seen it, but I could imagine that the
Renaissance Dam is __________ than other dams we have in the country. (G-12: Entrance)
A. very bigger                 B. much bigger    
C. absolutely bigger      D. more bigger
25. This question is a little ____ the next one. (G-12: Entrance)
A. difficult than       B. less difficult as
C. as difficult as      D. less difficult than
26. My brother has gone to Wello Battle Front to work
___________ medical doctor and also _____ soldier.
A. as/as if      B. like/as     
C. as if/as      D. as/as
27. Haweni really hates ham and she has never eaten 
meat _____ that in her life.
A. just like    B. like    C. alike   D. as
28. Jemal uses my bedroom _____ his bedroom whenever he
needs it for day nap.
A. looks like    B. like    C. as if   D. as
29. Jemal uses my bedroom _____ it were his bedroom
whenever he needs it for day nap.
A. looks like     B. like    C. as if   D. as
30. The rich arenā€™t _________ the poor. (G-12: Entrance)
A. happier than      B. as happier than  
C. as happy as       D. so happier than
31. It was only a narrow escape. No ________ had I left 
the station than the explosion took place. (G-12: Entrance)
A. later    B. quicker    C. faster   D. sooner
32. This question is _________ all the other questions 
in this booklet. (G-12: Entrance)
A. easier than     B. the easiest of  
C. easy as          D. easier as
33. I found this question a bit ______________ the rest 
of the questions. (G-12: Entrance)
A. easier of         B. the easiest of    
C. easier than    D. so easy as
34. In social science stream, there are a lot of fields 
______ economics, accounting, political science etc.
A. just like    B. like    D. as though
35. Obama has painted his car black color ______ you 
had painted yours.
A. as if    B. like     C. as    D. looks like
36. Obama has painted his car black color ______ your 
A. as    B. just like    C. as if    D. look like
37. Nowadays, destructive information ..... hate 
speech, fake news, bad news etc spreads on social media like wildfire.
A. just like     B. like     C. alike    D. as
38. I would like to have _______ reliable car. The one I 
have got keeps on breaking down.  (G-12: Entrance)
A. more    B. the most   C. a more   D. the more
39. This was much __________ last years. I paid only 
100 birr to get it.  (G-12: Entrance)
A. less expensive than     
B. more expensive than
C. expensive                   
D. most expensive
40. All the schedules seem to be poorly made, and this 
one is even ________. (G-12: Entrance)
A. bad    B. very bad    C. worse   D. worst
Challenge 3
41. You had better see a doctor about your chest pain; 
I think it is getting ________.
A. more worse             B. worse and worst
C. worse and worse   D. more and more worse
42. I am happy I found a computer for ________ a price 
than you mentioned.  (G-12: Entrance)
A. more expensive       B. most cheap
C. much cheaper          D. much expensive
43. Schools are being used ________ refugees camp for
people who have been displaced due to the conflict between Federal Government of Ethiopia and TPLF Rebellion.
A. like     B. as if    C. as    D. look like
44. I should do this assignment, ______ my teacher 
instructed me. I know that he does not _____ careless work.
A. like/as though       B. like/just like   
C. as/like                    D. just like/looks like
45. My young brother, Bekele, speaks English _______ 
native speakers. That means, _______ native speakers do.
A. just like/as though      B. like/just like
C. as/just like                   D. just like/as
46. Different social institutions _______ mosque, 
churches, schools, banks.... have been destroyed by TPLF Rebellion in the conflicts ....
A. alike     B. as   C. as if    D. like
47. Which team is _________, Tanzania or Zambia?
A. weakest      B. the weakest   C. weaker          D. weak
48. East African football is not _______ that of West 
Africa. (G-10: National Exam)
A. so better than       B. as good as
C. more than             D. less attractive
49. The more peace there is in the country, __________ 
it is for the people.  (G-12: Entrance)
A. the more     B. the better  
C. the lesser    D. the worse
50. The ___________ you detect a problem, the 
____________ it is to cure.  (G-12: Entrance)
A. more /better       B. easier /earlier
C. earlier / easier    D. better /more
51. Which one is the _____ building in Addis?   (G-10: NE)
A. longest             B. tallest
C. most height     D. most lengthy
52. My father considers himself _______ my guard who
 protects me from any accident.
 A. as like    B. as    C. like    D. as though
53. My father always takes care of me _______ my guard.
 A. as though    B. looks like    C. like   D. as
54. My father always takes care of me _______ 
someone who were assigned for me _______ my guard.
A. as if /as              B. like/as though
C. as/just like         D. unlike/as if
55. The food in that restaurant was the ____________ I 
had ever eaten. 
A. worse   B. worst   C. better   D. good
56. I found this yearā€™s Great Ethiopia Run ______ last 
yearā€™s. (G-12: Entrance)
A. as interested       B. most interesting
C. not interesting    D. more interesting than
57. They rebuilt the bridge that it is now ___________
 than ever.  (G-12: Entrance)
A. more stronger      B. the widest of all time
C. more reliable       D. the most beautiful one
58. Some students feel that English is ____________
Chemistry.  (G-12: Entrance)
A. such a difficult subject than
B. not so difficult from 
C. so difficult than    D. as difficult as
59. _______ can be heard from various medias, 
intensive air strike has been undertaken in Tigray Region since last week.
A. Unlike       B. As       C. Alike     D. Like
60. In her free time, Hana works _____ secretary in her 
sister's stationery to develop her computer skill.
A. as if      B. like      C. alike    D. as
61. Hana spends most of her free time on computer, 
______ secretary, she writes, edits and formats her note in her sister's stationery.
A. unlike     B. like    C. alike   D. as
62. I do not tolerate careless students, ______ you.
  A. as though   B. as    C. like    D. unlike
63. Her husband abuses her a lot and now she has decided to run away. She says there cannot be any __________ life. (G-12: Entrance)
A. cheaper     B. happier     
C. poorer       D. tougher
64. Applications are accepted only if you submit them 
no ______ than the end of this month. That is the deadline. (G-12: Entrance)
A. later     B. sooner     C. after   D.  faster
65. _______ you absent from the class, _____ confident 
you will be when the exam is approaching.
A. The more/ more           B. The less/ the less
C. The more/ the least      D. The more/ the less

Dear students, read the note and practice the exercises on Grade 12: English (Ethiopia): Student Textbook: MoE, 2003/2011: Page 4 and Grade 11: English: Student Textbook: MoE, 2003/2011: P. 204-205!

 ========THE END========

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