Grade 12 Entrance Exam: English: On Communication and Modal Verbs Questions: with Explanation and Exam Techniques: Part-2 By Million Abebe (MA in TEFL/English and B. Ed. Degree in Pedagogy): 2023


Challenge 1
1. Birru: Shall we report the case to the deputy manager?  
 Megersa: __________________ (2013) 
A. What is the problem with them?
B. Who knows, they could be friends. 
C. What is the deputy manager doing?  
D. I think it would be safe if you report it.
2. Nurse: __________________________________
    Patients: Do I have to? (G-12: Entrance)
A. Sleep well. I wish you good dreams.
B. How do you feel now?  
C. Don’t disturb, please. Be quiet.
D. Have you taken your medicine?
3. Teacher: You haven’t submitted your assignment, have 
      Students: _______________ (G-12: Entrance)
 A. Yes, I haven’t. I’m sorry teacher.  
 B. No, I have. I gave you in the morning.  
 C. When? I didn’t know. D. No, I haven’t.  
4. Holala: Do you think life could have been possible without water?
 Mola: _______________ (G-12: Entrance: 2013)
A. In fact, water is very useful for human beings.
B. We don't seem to value water because it is free.
C. No way! We would be dehydrated to death.
D. Is there anything more important than water?
5. Mekbib: Excuse me, can you lend me a pencil?  
 Zeritu: ____________ (G-12: Entrance)
 A. Here you are.            B. I’ve a pen.
 C. Can you borrow?      D. Which one?  
6. Miky: Hangatu, do you have anything to do on next Sunday?  
 Hangatu: I _____ to Dire Dawa next Sunday. I have very important appointment with my boyfriend that we ____ together at Dire Dawa.
A. may go/need to do
B. must go/need to do
C. may go/don't need to do
D. must go/may do
7. Miky: Hana was absent today; what _______ to her?  
 Hangatu: she ____ with her boyfriend last night; mostly, she is absent from class to be with her boyfriend.
A. could happen/may have been
B. must have happened/must have been
C. might have happened/may have been  
D. could have happened/must have been
8. Abraham: You should really apologize to your parents.  
    Tizazu: _____________ (G-12: Entrance)
A. Why? I don’t care what they think!
B. Mistakes are inevitable.  
C. It was a crowded classroom.
D. Yes, my parents apologized.  
9. Conductor: ______________________  
     Passenger: Here it is, sir. (G-12: Entrance)
A. May I check your ticket, please?
B. You have a ticket, isn’t it available?  
C. Ticket checking, Good morning.
D.I will check your ticket.
10. You: Can I use your bicycle this afternoon?  
       Friend: Yes, of course, but _____.(G-12: Entrance)
A. I bought it just over a month ago
B. keep it safely with you for ever  
C. we’re close friends, in any case
D. don’t ask me again  
11. Teacher: You_____ forget your text book at your home.
      Students: Okay!
A. must                      B. should
C. ought not to         D. need not
12. Obse: I and Bety had decided to meet here today but she has not come yet.
 Hileni: She ________ the program.  
 A. might have forgotten           B. should not have forgotten
 C. might not have forgotten    D. may forget
3. Meseret: Lelise, which types of transports _____ to go to 
            Dire Dawa from Adama? I am going to visit my 
            boyfriend next Saturday.
 Lelise: You _______ on the train of course.
A. could be used/could go B. must be used/could go  
C. could use/must have gone D. should be used/could go
Questions 14-20 based on the given conversation
Fill the given blank space with the correct modal verb/verbs by choosing among the next ones (will, can, could, must, might, may, should)
The main verbs within the bracket should be used based on the tense!
Meseret: I ____ (14. visit) my boyfriend next Saturday. But I _______ (15. decide) which transport to use to go to Dire Dawa from Adama.  
Lelise: You ____ (16. use) the new buses! They are very comfortable just like planes!
Meseret: Yes, Leli you are right; that _____(17. be) a bad idea. I ____  (18. do) that. Do have their address?  
Lelise: Yes, I _____ (19. have). Wait for me, I ____ just (20. look) for it. 

Challenge 2
21. Our teacher was very angry. Most of the students who had taken Grade 12 National Examination have failed. They___ harder.
A. must study                     B. should not have studied  
C. ought to have studied  D. had to study
22. Our teacher was very angry. Most of the students who had taken Grade 12 National Examination have failed. They___ unexpected thing on exam time.  
A. might have encountered     B. must have encountered
C. should have encountered   D. don't need to encounter
23. Biden, look, the weather is getting colder and colder today. I am telling you this for the second time, you _____ put on thick jacket, not this one!
A. should have B. must 
C. don’t need to D. must have to
24. Our teacher was very angry. Most of the students who had taken Grade 12 National Examination have failed. Thus, in order not this to happen to us; we _______ harder.
A. must have to study B. should not study
C. ought to have studied D. must study
25. Mom, the weather is getting hotter and hotter today. You ________ your new over-coat; leave it.
 A. must not take B. needn't take 
 C. didn't need to take D. should take
26. The weather is getting colder and colder today. Obama ________ remove his new over-coat.
 A. do not need to B. ought not to 
 C. should D. had to
27. Dear students, can't you see that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, generally, in this town and especially, in school. You ___ put on your over-coat when you come next time.
A. must not B. don’t need to 
C. may not D. will have to
28. Although it is getting colder and colder these days, you_______ your over-coat when you come to class: you are not allow to wear over-coat.
A. do not need put on B. must not put on  
C. should not have put on D. need not have put on
29. I know that the weather is getting colder and colder these days but you_____ your over-coat like this when you come to class: the school doesn't allow this. Sorry, you _____ my class, today.
 A. ought not to have put on/can't enter 
 B. must not put on/can't have entered  
 C. should have put on /can't enter 
 D. need not have put on/can't enter 
 30. Oh! It is getting colder and colder today. You ______ your new over-coat at home.
A. should not have left B. should have left  
C. needn't have left D. didn't need to leave
31. Oh! It is getting hotter and hotter today. You ________ your new over-coat at home.
A. should not have brought 
B. should have brought
C. needn't have brought 
D. didn't need to leave
32. The new literacy program ________ reinforced in order to cope with the growing demand for adult education.
 A. would have to be B. needs to be 
C. shall have to be D. should have to be
33. My young sister lost the way to her new school; she got robbed. I _________ with her.
A. should not have gone B. should have gone  
C. need not have gone D. didn't need to go
34. My young sister lost the way to her new school; she got robbed. I _________ her alone. I regret doing that.
A. didn't need to send B. should have sent  
C. need not have sent D. should not have sent  
35. Nanati __________ with her young brother to the new supper market last week. Because he told her that he knows the way to the supper market  while they were planning what to be bought.
A. need not have gone B. didn't need to go  
C. does not need to go D. need not go
36. Nanati _____ with her young brother to the new supper market as her mom did while she kid. Because he told her that he knows the way to the supper market while they were planning what to be bought.
A. need not have gone B. didn't need to go  
C. does not need to go D. need not go
37. Nanati ___ with her young brother to the new supper market last week. Because he told her that he knows the way to the supper market while they were coming back to home.
A. had to go B. didn't need to go  
C. should have gone D. need not have gone
38. Nanati ____ with her young brother to the new supper market. Because he told her that the supper market he is working in is only for males.
A. need not have gone B. didn't need to go  
C. must not go D. should not go
39. Nanati ____ with her young brother to the new supper market; he told her  that he does not know the way that was why she was late for office.
A. should not have gone B. had to go  
C. ought to have gone D. didn't need to go
40. You ____ come to school without uniform.
A. must B. should have to C. need not D. should not
We went to his house this morning. But we____ at the school.
A. should not have stayed B. ought not to stay  
C. should have stayed D. must not go
Note: If you want techniques how answer communication questions, CLICK
