NOTE TAKING/MAKING STRATEGY: It is powerful strategy but used by a few clever students! By Million Abebe (MA in English and B. Ed. Degree in Pedagogy): 2023

 ☞ Welcome to Our Study Techniques!

1. Basic Information

There some basic facts and also concepts/terms that must be known (about note)!
☞ Facts about note: 3
The next 3 issues are among basic facts which have been proved by countless (many, many) researches.
  • Note is very essential/important for students: the importance of note has been scientifically proved!
  • A number of strategies on how to prepare have been designed so far!
  • Contrary to these (two), most students had problems of note taking/making.
 Some basic concepts/terms: 4
  • Note taking: a process of writing notes from listening. Taking note in classroom while teachers teaching is good example.
  • Note making: process of writing notes from written materials (reading). Preparing short note while you are studying is good example.
  • Note summary: type of note which is prepared personally using your own or common phrases/words/abbreviations.. . See the examples given under 'techniques' below.. .
  • Prose summary note: a type of note which is written using full or meaningful sentences/clauses/words...
 For examples, see all the notes in Our Special Handouts (on  or the note you are given in classroom.. .


 Toftaalee barattoonni barnoota isaaniitiin caalaatti akka milkaa'an gargaaran keessaa 'Note taking/making strategy'n isa tokko! Fallaa kanaatiin, 'note'n walqabatee, barattoonni baay'een rakkoo guddaa qaban
Kun dhimmaa saayinsiin mirkaneeyeedha! Kanaafuu, kabajamoo barattoota, barreeffama sirriitti dubbiisaa, itti fayyadamaa!
 'Note taking/making strategy' ተማሪዎችን በትምህርታቸው በጣም ውጤናማ (በጥናታቸው ና ወጤታቸው) ከሚያደርጉ ስልቶች ውስጥ አንዱ ነው! በታቃራኒው በርካታ ተማሪዎች በዚህ ረገድ (ከnote በተያያዘ) በጣም ችግር አለባቸው! ይሄ እኔ ያልኩት አደለም፤ በሳይንስም/በresearches የተረጋገጠ ሀቅ ነው!
ስለዚህ ውድ ተማሪዎች ይሄን ፅሁፍ በጥንቃቄ አንብባችሁ ተጠቀሙበት!
 Anyone can prove these! If you like, you can get these on the next link (but I don't want students waste their time on this!)!

2. Students' Problems: 5 Big Problems

The second key point that should be known is that most students have big problems (in relation with note). From my day-to-day experience, as teacher, I proved these.
Look the next 5 problems and identify the ones that you have.
☞ Lack of note taking/making:
  • They don't take note while learning in the classroom! They sit as if they arr watching films/news on Tv.
  • They don't make note while studying. They read the subjects as if they are reading fictions/newspaper...
 Incomplete note
  • They don't have complete note on each topic and also sub-topics. 
  • For example, missing notes on some topics and also sub-topics.
 Scattered notes
  • Their (students) notes are scattered notes. 
  • That means, they write notes on different/separated places (not on one place/exercise book)!
 Copy paste:
Most students' notes are NOT short and brief. 
  • They use long sentences. 
  • They copy or duplicate from books/exercise books to paper.
 Don't use notes
Many students prepared note but they didn't use their notes: they don't study the notes for exams.

3. Solutions: 5 principles

Follow all or some of the following 5 principles, to solve the above mentioned problems and make your learning better than ever.
3.1. Using note integration strategy: 3
 Integrating learning and studying with note: You have to take and make note both while learning (in class) and also while studying.
 Having complete note: You have to have complete note on each topic and sub-topic (on all the contents that need note)!All in one note:
You have to have all your notes on one exercise book/notebook!
3.2. Using different techniques: 4
You should and could use various techniques to write your note in more attractive and memorable ways.
 Using bullet points: listening the key points vertically. For example,

Notice: The above summary may not be clear or enough unless you read the full handout. If you like, click here: for special handout on Conditional! You can get many more on this link! 
 Using mind mapping techniques: This is branching concepts or linking information to show the relationship. Examples:

Notice: The above summary may not be clear or enough unless you read the full handout. If you like, you can click on: Handout on a few, a little.. .Exam Techniques for Quantifiers  You can get many more on these links!
 Using textboxes: Example:

Notice: The above summary may not be clear or enough unless you read the full handout.  If you like, you can click on English Handout on No, None, not... Visit it!
 Using tables: Example (taken from New Grade 9 English Textbook: MoE, 2022: Ethiopia)

3.3. Focusing on key points
 You should not duplicate/copy the notes from book or exercise book to paper!
 You should be able to know/ identify main/key points and supporting points and then focus only on key points!
3.4. Using different abbreviations
 One of the ways to make your notes short and brief is using different abbreviations and symbols 
 The abbreviations and symbols could be known or personal abbreviations and symbols.
For example... common/known abbreviations and symbols... b/n, d/t, gov't...
=, +,...
3.5. Use the note
 The fifth principle is that you have to use/study your note for your exam!
 Taking/making/preparing good note is not enough!
