Grade 12 Entrance: ENGLISH Exam Focus Areas: Based on 1995-2015EC Exams (Ethiopia): By Million Abebe (MA in English/in TEFL and B. Ed. Degree in Pedagogy): 2023
Part-1: Basic Information about Focus Areas
'Focus Areas' is students' map/ compass but many students don't give attention!
- It is like travelling map/compass that shows you (students) both your 'starting' and 'ending' points.
- That means, if you don't have 'list of focus areas' in your hand and also don't use it, your study will be like 'moving by closing eyes'.
- Dear students, you have to have (written) complete list of focus areas and also you have to use it as guidelines!
- Without focus areas, you can't know:
- the topics to be covered and to be left (no need of study)!
- the topics that need more and the one that less effors/time!
- the topics that have been covered and also haven't yet covered!
- For English Language Exam, use the next list!
- For other subjects, use your textbooks' table of contents (all subjects)!
Part-2: Grade 12 Entrance: ENGLISH Exam Focus Areas: Based on 1995-2015EC Exams (Ethiopia)
Note: Here, 'Entrance' refers to:
- 'Ethiopian University Entrance Exam' or
- 'Ethiopian Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination'!
I. Grammar/Language Focus
1. Tenses
2. Passive and Active Voices
3. Subject Verb Agreement
4. Adverbial Clauses and Related
A. Common Adverbial Clauses
ā Reason clauses
ā Result clauses
ā Contrast clauses
ā Purpose clauses
ā Relative clauses
ā Time clauses
B. Other Transitional Words to:
ā give emphasis
ā focus attention on what follows
ā give additional ideas
ā give examples
ā show sequence/order of events
ā show different ideas
5. Comparisons
6. As, like, as if, as though.. .
7.Conditional Clauses
ā Each and Every
ā No
ā None
ā Any and Some
ā No one, Someoneā¦
ā Little and A little
ā A few, Few and others
10. Uses of Modal Verbs
ā Obligation
ā Absence of Obligation
ā Possibility
ā Deduction
ā Ability
ā Permission and Request
ā Suggestion and Advice
11. Gerund, Infinitive & Participle
12. Parts of Speeches and Others
ā Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs
ā Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles
ā Conjunctions, prepositions
ā Word formations
ā Use of had better, no sooner...
13. Questions and Related Areas
ā Wh-word questions
ā Tag questions
ā Yes or No questions
ā Indirect questions.. .
14. Verbs and their Types
A. Main Verbs:
ā Action Verbs
ā State Verbs
ā Transitive Verbs
ā Intransitive Verbs
B. Auxiliary Verbs:
ā Verb to be
ā Verb to have
ā Verb to do
ā Modal Verbs
II. Writing
1.Word Spelling
2. Word Order/Jumbled Words
3. Paragraph Writing
A. Paragraph Coherence
B. Paragraph Development Techniques/ Methods
ā Narration/Narrative
ā Exposition
ā Definition
ā Classification
ā Description/Descriptive
ā Process/process analysis
ā Persuasion/Argumentative
ā Cause and effect
ā Contrast/comparison
C. Main Idea of Paragraph
4. Punctuations and Capitalization
5. Letter Writing
III. Communicative Activities
ā Advice
ā Permission
ā Request
ā Opinion
ā Agreement
ā Telephoning
ā Direction
ā Shopping
ā Help
ā Greeting/Introduction
ā Other contextual areas
IV. Comprehension
1. Sentence Comprehension
A. Nearest/closest meaning
B. Best Combination
2. Vocabulary
3. Reading Passage
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