5 Key Things for Students: How to be Successful on ANY Exam, ANY Subject and by ANY Student: By Million Abebe (MA in English/in TEFL and B. Ed. Degree in Pedagogy): 2023


Dear students, "How to be Successful on ANY Exam, ANY Subject and by ANY Student" is briefly explained in 3 languages as:
  • I. English Language Version
  • II. Afan Oromo Language Version 
  • III. Amharic Language Version 
  • Finally, important links that could help you to be more successful than ever are given under each point.
  • Read them; use them; test the result!
Note: These are what Million Abebe (having strong background on the issue) has proved theoretically and practically and also his strong belief!
========END of Overview ==========
I. English Language Version 
A. Big Problems: Making Fragmented Preparation for Exam!
I have proved that most students make fragmented preparation: they have big problems on some or on most of the next 5 key issues! 
  • Dear students, if you want, really, to be successful on your exam, one of the key points to be considered is making integrated preparation
  • You have to avoid fragmented preparation: you have to make integrated preparation while preparing for exam.
  • In a simple terms, if your preparation (the preparation you make for coming exam) lacks some of the following points, no doubt, your preparation is fragmented preparation
B. How and Why to Make Integrated Preparation: 5 Key Points
To avoid fragmented preparation and make integrated preparation while preparing for exam, your preparation should have, at least, the next five key points (each of them has detail explanations)! 
1. Focus Areas: Your compass but many students don't give attention!
'Focus areas' is the first and the primary point to avoid fragmented preparation and make integrated preparation!
  • You have to have written complete list of topics to be covered on the coming exam! 
  • You should use the list as guidelines before, while and after studying! Without focus areas, you can't know:
    • the topics to be covered and to be left (no need of study).
    • the topics that need more and the one that less effors/time.
    • the topics that have been covered and also haven't yet covered.
ā˜ž For additional on this, read link-1 (see at the end)!
Dear students:
  • If you have written focus areas on all subjects and also use the list as guideline, your preparation full fill one of the indicators for ... 
  • If you don't have written focus areas on all subjects and also don't use the list as guideline, this is one of the indicators for fragmented preparation!
  • Evaluate yourself in this way, on the rest four key points! 
2. Complete Written Note: Your Phone Number!
The second key point is complete note! 
  • You have to have complete note which is written on one place/on a single exercise book!
  • Fragmented note will make you have fragmented concept.
  • Fragmented concept makes you reach nowhere!
  • Note is like phone number. If you miss a single number, you can't make a call! The same is true; if you have incomplete note, you can't do your exam fully!
ā˜ž For additional on this, read link-2 (see at the end)!
3. Subject Matter Knowledge: Your Motor!  
  • You should have subject matter knowledge (on each subject, each topic) that the coming require!
  • Having subject knowledge works for any subject, student and exam!
    • Without subject matter knowledge, there is no way to be successful on exam! 
ā˜ž For additional on this, read links-3, 4, 6 (see at the end)!
4. Practicing Questions: The only scientific way!
  • You have to make practicing one part of your study!
  • Make practice on each topic and prove that you are able to answer, at least 70 or 80% and above on each topic/chapter you study/learn!
  • Without practice you can't make sure whether you have understood a given topic/chapter/subject or not! 
    • Practice is the only scientific way to do that!
ā˜ž For additional on this, read links-5, 7 (see at the end)!
5. Study Techniques: Work smart not hard!
'Study techniques' is the other key point to avoid fragmented preparation and make integrated preparation for exam!
  • In addition to subject matter knowledge, you should have study techniques knowledge and also use them!
  • Study has its own art and science, do your study smartly not hard!
  • Some examples of study techniques include: 
    • - Exam Techniques
    • - Habit of practicing...
    • - Note making/taking skills...
    • - Reflection.. .
ā˜ž For additional on this, read link-8, 9 (see at the end)!
===END of English Language Version  =====
II. Afan Oromo Language Version
Qophii qormaataa ciccitaa godhuun rakkoo ijoo barattoota baay'eedhaati! Kabajamoo barattoota, qormaataa keessaniin qabxii gaarii fiduu yoo barbaaddan, qophii qormaataa ciccitaa dhiistanii, qophii qindaawaa godhuu qabdan
Qophiin keessan yoo xiqqaate, qabxiilee/dhimmoota ijoo shanan (5) armaan gadii kana qabaachuu qaba!
1. 'Toora Xiyyaffannoo Qormaataa! (Focus Areas)
Qophii ciccittu hanbisuu keessatti dhimmi ijoon tokko 'toora xiyyaffannoo qormaataati'!
  • Barnoota qoramtan irratti, mata dureewwan qormaanni irratti xiyyeeffatu, barreeffamaan qabaachuu qabdan; akka 'compass'ttiis itti fayyadamuu qabdan!
  • Mata dureewwan qormaanni irratti xiyyeeffatu barreeffamaan yoo qabaachuu baattan, maal irratti xiyyeeffachuu akka qabdanii fi maal dhiisuu akka qabdu beekuu hin dandeessan!
Self-evaluation : 
Kabajamoo barattoota:
  • Barnoota hunda irratti 'Focus Areas' barreeffamaan qabaattee, itti fayyadamaa yoo jiraatte, qu'annaan kee ulaagaa qophii qindaawaa keessaa tokko guuteeti jira! 
  • Yoo kana ta'uu baate, kun qophii ciccitaa keessaa isa tokko! 
  • Dhimmoota afran hafan irrattis haaluma kanaan qophii kee madaali!
ā˜ž Dabalataaf, link-1 dubbiisi (see at the end)!
2. 'Note' Guutuu ('Complete Note')
  • 'Note' guutuu, barreeffamte iddoo takkatti qabaachuu qabdan! 
  • 'Note'n ciccittuun, beekumsa ciccitaa akka qabattan isin godha! 
  • Beekumsi ciccitaan ammoo eessayyuu isin hin geessu!
  • 'Note'n barnootaati fi lakkoofsi bilbilaa tokko. Lakkoofsa bilbilaa tokko hirriftee, bilbiluu hin dandeessu! 'Note'niis akkasuma qormaataaf!
ā˜ž Dabalataaf, link-2 dubbiisi (see at the end)!
3. Beekumsa Barnoota ('Subject Matter Knowledge')
  • Barnoota qoramtan irratti beekumsa barbaachisuu qabaachuu/horachuu qabdan! 
  • Beekumsa barbaachisuu osoo hin qabaatiin/horatin, qormaata irratti qabxii gaarii fiduuf kan nama dandeessisu, addunyaa tanarratti karaan tokkolleen hin jiru, hattanii/'korrajuun' yoo ta'e malee! 
  • No way! Karaan biraa hin jiru!
ā˜ž Dabalataaf, links-3, 4, 6 dubbiisi (see at the end)!
4. Gaafiilee Shaakaluu ('Practicing Questions)
  • Gaafiilee shaakaluu, qaama qu'annaa keessan keessaa isa tokko godhu qabdan!
  • Gaafiilee hedduu shaakaltanii, yoo akkam xiqqaate, parsantii 70/80 ol deebisuu danda'u qabdan!
  • Gaafii 'practice' yoo godhuu baattan, mata duree/boqonnaa/barnoonni tokko isiniif galuu fi isiniif galuu dhabuu isaa beekuu hin dandeessan! 
  • Karaan saayiinsaawaan kana ittiin beekuu dandeessan 'practice' qofa! 
ā˜ž Dabalataaf, links-5, 7 dubbiisi (see at the end)!
5. Toftaa Qu'annaa ('Study Techniques')
  • Qophii qindaawaa taasisuu keessatti inni biraa beekumsa toftaa qo'annaa qabaachuu/ horachuudha!  
  • Beekumsa barnootaa qofa osoo hin ta'in, beekumsa toftaa qo'annaa qabaachuu/horachuu qabdan! 
  • Qu'annaan toftaa fi saayinsii mataasaati qaba; qu'annaa keessan humnaan osoo hin ta'in toftaan raawwadha!
ā˜ž Dabalataaf, links-8, 9 dubbiisi (see at the end)!
===END of Afan Oromo Language Version  =====
III. Amharic Language Version
į‹Øį‰°į‰ įŒ£įŒ įˆ° į‹Øįˆį‰°įŠ“ į‹įŒįŒ…į‰µ į‹Øį‰ įˆ­įŠ«į‰³ į‰°įˆ›įˆŖį‹Žį‰½ į‰µįˆį‰ į‰½įŒįˆ­ įŠį‹! į‹į‹µ į‰°įˆ›įˆŖį‹Žį‰½ į‰ įˆį‰°įŠ“į‰½įˆ į‹įŒ¤į‰³įˆ› įˆ˜įˆ†įŠ• įŠØįˆįˆˆįŒ‹į‰½įˆį£ į‹Øį‰°į‰ įŒ£įŒ įˆ° į‹Øįˆį‰°įŠ“ į‹įŒįŒ…į‰µįŠ• įŠ įˆµį‹ˆįŒį‹³į‰½įˆį£ į‹Øį‰°į‰€įŠ“įŒ€  į‹Øįˆį‰°įŠ“ į‹įŒįŒ…į‰µ įˆ›į‹µįˆØįŒ įŠ įˆˆį‰£į‰½įˆ! 
į‹Øįˆį‰°įŠ“ į‹įŒįŒ…į‰³į‰½įˆ į‰¢į‹«įŠ•įˆµ į‰€įŒ„įˆŽ į‹«įˆ‰į‰µįŠ• 5 įŠįŒ„į‰¦į‰½ įˆ›įˆ™į‹‹įˆ‹į‰µ įŠ įˆˆį‰ į‰µ! 
1. Focus Areas 
į‹Øį‰°į‰ įŒ£įŒ įˆ° į‹Øįˆį‰°įŠ“ į‹įŒįŒ…į‰µįŠ• įˆˆįˆ›įˆµį‹ˆįŒˆį‹µ į‹Øįˆ˜įŒ€įˆ˜įˆŖį‹«į‹ įŠ“ į‹‹įŠ“į‹ įŠįŒ„į‰„ įˆį‰°įŠ“į‹ į‹Øįˆšį‹«į‰°įŠ©įˆ­į‰£į‰øį‹ įˆ­į‹•įˆ¶į‰½ į‹įˆ­į‹įˆ­ įŠį‹! 
  • į‹Øįˆį‰µįˆį‰°įŠ‘į‰µ į‰µįˆįˆ…įˆ­į‰µ į‹Øįˆšį‹«į‰°įŠ©įˆ­į‰ į‰µįŠ• įˆ­į‹•įˆ¶į‰½ į‰ į…įˆį įˆŠįŠ–įˆ«į‰½įˆ įŠ“ įŠ„įŠ•į‹° 'compass' įˆį‰µįŒ į‰€įˆ™į‰ į‰µ į‹­įŒˆį‰£įˆ!
  • įˆį‰°įŠ“į‹ (any exam) į‹Øįˆšį‹«į‰°įŠ©įˆ­į‰ į‰µįŠ• įˆ­į‹•įˆ¶į‰½ į‰ į…įˆį įŠØįˆŒįˆ‹į‰½įˆį£ įˆįŠ• įˆ‹į‹­ įˆ›į‰°įŠ®įˆ­ įŠ„įŠ•į‹³įˆˆį‰£į‰½įˆ įŠ“ įˆįŠ• įˆ˜į‰°į‹ įŠ„įŠ•į‹³įˆˆį‰£į‰½įˆ į‰ įįįˆ įˆ›į‹ˆį‰… įŠ į‰µį‰½įˆ‰įˆ!
  • įˆįˆ‰įˆ į‰µįˆįˆ…įˆ­į‰µ įˆ‹į‹­ į‰ į…įˆį į‹Øį‰°į‰€įˆ˜įŒ  'Focus Areas' įŠ«įˆ‹į‰½įˆ įŠ“ į‰ į‹šįˆ… įˆ˜įˆ°įˆØį‰µ įŒ„įŠ“į‰³į‰½įˆįŠ• įŠ„į‹«įŠØįŠ“į‹ˆįŠ“į‰½įˆ įŠØįˆ†įŠ į‹Øįˆį‰°įŠ“ į‹įŒįŒ…į‰³į‰½įˆ įŠ įŠ•į‹±įŠ• į‹Øį‰°į‰€įŠ“įŒ€ į‹Øįˆį‰°įŠ“ į‹įŒįŒ…į‰µ įŠ įˆŸįˆį‰·įˆ! 
  • į‰ į…įˆį į‹Øį‰°į‰€įˆ˜įŒ  'Focus Areas' įŠØįˆŒįˆ‹į‰½įˆ įŠ“ į‰ į‹šįˆ… įˆ˜įˆ°įˆØį‰µ įŒ„įŠ“į‰³į‰½įˆįŠ• įŠ„į‹ØįŠØį‹ˆįŠ“į‰½įˆ įŠ«įˆįˆ†įŠį£ į‹­įˆ„ į‹Øį‰°į‰ įŒ£įŒ įˆ° į‹Øįˆį‰°įŠ“ į‹įŒįŒ…į‰µ įŠ įŠ•į‹± įˆ›įˆ³į‹« įŠį‹! 
  • į‰ į‰€įˆ©į‰µ įŠ įˆ«į‰± į‰įˆį įŒ‰į‹³į‹®į‰½ įˆ‹į‹­įˆ į‰ į‹šįˆ įˆ˜įˆįŠ© į‹Øįˆį‰°įŠ“ į‹įŒįŒ…į‰³į‰½įˆįŠ• įŒˆįˆįŒįˆ™
2. įˆ™įˆ‰ Note (Complete Note)
įˆŒįˆ‹į‹ į‰įˆį įŒ‰į‹³į‹­ 'Note' įŠį‹!  
  • įˆ™įˆ‰ 'Note' įŠ įŠ•į‹µ į‰¦į‰³ įˆ‹į‹­ į‰ į…įˆį įˆŠįŠ–įˆ«į‰½įˆ į‹­įŒˆį‰£įˆ! į‹Øį‰°į‰ įŒ£įŒ įˆ° 'Note' į‹Øį‰°į‰ įŒ£įŒ įˆ° 'concept' įŠ„įŠ•į‹µį‰µį‹­į‹™ į‹«į‹°įˆ­įŒ‹į‰½įŠ‹įˆ! 
  • į‹Øį‰°į‰ įŒ£įŒ įˆ° 'concept' į‹°įŒįˆž į‹Øį‰µįˆ įŠ į‹«į‹°įˆ­įˆµįˆ! 
  • įˆµįˆįŠ­ į‰įŒ„įˆ­ įŠ“ 'Note' įŠ įŠ•į‹µ įŠ“į‰øį‹! įŠ įŠ•į‹µ į‰įŒ„įˆ­ įŠ«įŒŽį‹°įˆ‹į‰½įˆ į‹ˆį‹° įˆį‰µįˆįˆįŒ‰į‰µ į‰¦į‰³ įˆ˜į‹°į‹ˆįˆ įŠ į‰µį‰½įˆ‰įˆ!  
  • 'Note'įˆ įŠ„įŠ•į‹°į‹›į‹ įŠį‹...
3. į‹Øį‰µįˆįˆ…įˆ­į‰µ įŠ„į‹į‰€į‰µ (Subject Matter Knowledge)
  • į‹Øįˆį‰µįˆį‰°įŠ‘į‰µ į‰µįˆįˆ…įˆ­į‰µ įˆ‹į‹­ įˆį‰°įŠ“į‹ į‹ØįˆšįŒ į‹­į‰€į‹įŠ• į‰ į‰‚ įŠ„į‹į‰€į‰µ įˆŠįŠ–į‰½įˆ į‹­įŒˆį‰£įˆ! 
  • į‰ į‰‚ įŠ„į‹į‰€į‰µ įˆ³į‹­įŠ–į‰½įˆ į‰ įˆį‰°įŠ“ įˆµįŠ¬į‰³įˆ› į‹Øįˆšį‹«į‹°įˆ­įŒ įŠ įŠ•į‹µįˆ įˆ˜įŠ•įŒˆį‹µ į‰ į‹šįˆ… įŠ įˆˆįˆ įˆ‹į‹­ į‹Øįˆˆįˆį¤ į‰ įŠ©įˆØįŒƒ įŠ“ į‰ įˆ›įŒ­į‰ įˆ­į‰ įˆ­ įŠ«įˆįˆ†įŠ į‰ įˆµį‰°į‰€įˆ­!
4. įŒ„į‹«į‰„į‹Žį‰½įŠ• įˆ˜įˆˆįˆ›įˆ˜į‹µ (Practicing Questions)
  • įŒ„į‹«į‰„į‹Žį‰½įŠ• 'practice' įˆ›į‹µįˆØįŒ į‹ØįŒ„įŠ“į‰³į‰½įˆ įŠ įŠ•į‹µ įŠ įŠ«įˆ įˆ›į‹µįˆØįŒ įŠ įˆˆį‰£į‰½įˆ! 
  • įŒ„į‹«į‰„į‹Žį‰½įŠ• 'practice' įŠ«įˆ‹į‹°įˆØįŒ‹į‰½įˆį£ į‹ØįŒˆį‰£į‰½įˆįŠ• įŠ“ į‹«įˆįŒˆį‰£į‰½įˆįŠ• įˆ­į‹•įˆµ/chapter/į‰µįˆįˆ…įˆ­į‰µ į‰ įįįˆ įˆ›į‹ˆį‰… įŠ į‰µį‰½įˆ‰įˆ! 
  • į‹ØįŒˆį‰£į‰½įˆįŠ• įŠ“ į‹«įˆįŒˆį‰£į‰½įˆįŠ• įˆ­į‹•įˆµ įˆˆįˆ›į‹ˆį‰… į‰„į‰øįŠ›į‹ įˆ³į‹­įŠ•įˆ³į‹Š įˆ˜įŠ•įŒˆį‹µ 'practice' į‰„į‰» įŠį‹!  
5. į‹ØįŒ„įŠ“į‰µ įŒ„į‰ į‰„ (Study Techniques) 
  • į‹Øį‰°į‰ įŒ£įŒ įˆ° į‹Øįˆį‰°įŠ“ į‹įŒįŒ…į‰µįŠ• įˆˆįˆ›įˆµį‹ˆįŒˆį‹µ įˆŒįˆ‹į‹ į‰įˆį įŒ‰į‹³į‹­ į‹ØįŒ„įŠ“į‰µ į‹˜į‹“ įŠ„į‹į‰€į‰µ įˆ›į‹³į‰ įˆ­ įŠ“ įˆ˜į‰°įŒį‰ įˆ­ įŠį‹! 
  • įŠØįˆį‰µįˆį‰°įŠ‘į‰µ į‰µįˆįˆ…įˆ­į‰µ įŠ„į‹į‰€į‰µ į‰ į‰°įŒØįˆ›įˆŖ į‹ØįŒ„įŠ“į‰µ į‹˜į‹“ įŠ„į‹į‰€į‰µ įˆŠįŠ–įˆ«į‰½įˆ! 
  • įŒ„įŠ“į‰µ į‹Øįˆ«įˆ± įˆ³į‹­įŠ•įˆµ įŠ“ įŒ„į‰ į‰„ įŠ įˆˆį‹ įŒ„įŠ“į‰½įˆįŠ• į‰ įŒ‰įˆį‰ į‰µ įˆ³į‹­įˆ†įŠ• į‰ įŒ„į‰ į‰„ įŠØį‹įŠ‘!
===END of Amharic Language Version  =====


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