Worksheet on Communicative Activities:



1. Tola: Let's go out for a drink.
     Bereket: _________________________________(G-12: NE)
A. Who else is coming? 
B. Why do you like drinks?
C. Drinks are means of socializing. 
D. I would rather like going to the theatre.
2. A: Shall we take taxi or a bus to the meeting?(G-10: NE)
     B: ___. It is almost impossible to find a taxi during rush hour.
 A. We could take either B. We had better take a bus
 C. We should take taxi D. We ought to have gone on foot
3. Jafer: Do you mind if I ask you some questions?
     Lema: _________________________.
A. No, please do C. I won’t let you go alone
B. Yes, I wouldn’t D. I can do it myself
4. Dany: Who should we invite to open the inauguration of the book?
 Elemo: _________________________.
A. I think, they should write the book first.
B. I think, we should invite president Lema Megersa.
C. People shouldn't be invited. 
D. I think, we shouldn't invite many people.
5. Worku: I phoned you at nine this morning but got no 
 Aster: I m sorry. I ____ in the garden. (G-10: NE)
       A. could have been     B. must have been 
      C. need not have been  D. have been
6. Gerba: Hello, __________________?
 Ebsie’s Mother: I am sorry; she’s out at the moment.
 Gerba: When do you expect her back? (G-10: NE)
 A. Could I speak to Ebisie please  
 B. Have you seen Ebisie please
 C. Where is Ebisie please 
 D. Can you get me Ebisie please
7. Abu: Hi, Bontu. Nice to see you again.
   Bontu: _____________. I’m very delighted to see you.
      A. But I’m not       C. That’s very good
      B. Yes, of course  D. Nice to see you, too
8. Secretary: Hello.
    Guest: Hello. Can I talk to the director, please?
    Secretary: __________________?
    Guest: Mr. Guta.
    Secretary: Thank you. Just a minute please.
     A. May I ask who is calling   C. Who are you
     B. Who’s that        D. Whom do you want
9. Student A: Do mind if I use your dictionary?
    Student B: ________. It’s on the shelf. (G-10: NE)
  A. Yes, I don’t. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I don’t.
10. Student: Excuse me, _____________ (G-10: NE)
       Teacher: Sorry, but I’d rather you don’t. This is the last  
       period we have.
A. can I go out of class? B. do I go out of class?
C. may I go out of class?  D. isn’t OK if I go out of class?
11. Patient: What do you advice me to keep fit?
 Doctor: _____. (G-10: NE)
 A.You had to exercise regularly 
 B.You must not exercise regularly
 C.You should exercise regularly 
 D. You have exercise regularly
12. Daughter: _______________________________?
       Mother: Sure! But try to sleep early.
      Daughter: Thanks a lot , mummy. (G-10: NE)
     A. Do I read a story before I sleep 
     B. Am I reading a story before I sleep
     C. Have I read a story before I sleep 
     D. May I read a story before I sleep
13. Roba: Do you feel going to the stadium?
      Seid: ___________. I’ve already arranged to go to the party.
A. Sure, I’d love too C. Why not, thanks
B. That sounds nice D. I’m afraid I can’t
14 Guest: Do you mind if I use your phone?
      Host: _______________________ (G-10: NE)
       A. Sorry, why not? B. I’m sorry, I can’t.
       C. Why would you to make a call D. No, please do.
15. Customer A: May I sit here, please?
        Customer B: _____________________
A. Of course, yes. It is not free B. You are right. Sit here
C. I’m sorry, it is taken  D. No, please do
16. Student A: Shall I sharpen it for you?
     Student B: ____________________ (G-10: NE)
     A. No, thanks. I can do it myself   B. I wish you could
     C. Yes, why not you do it     D. No, you won’t do it
17. Teacher: Do you mind if I open the window?
       Student: ______. It is too hot to continue our discussion. 
        (G-10: NE)
      A .Yes, of course. B. Yes, I do 
      C. Yes, go ahead. D. No, please go ahead.
18. Ujulu: What happened to Lulit? She is crying.
       Zewge: I think, she _________her ID card. (G-10: NE)
      A. has lost    B. must have lost  C. must lost   D. had lost
19. A: Does Adam want to go with us to the film festival?
      B: No. He _____________
       A. could go to the film   C. was able to go to the wrestling
      B. prefers go to wrestling   D. would rather go to the film
20. Eden: Have you seen my friend Anne this morning?
      Abel: Yes, ___________.
      A. I have seen her at 9 pm C. She will probably arrive soon
      B. I had seen her yesterday D. I saw her in the library
21. Zeberga: Where has Chaltu gone?
      Udesssa: She didn’t tell me. She _____ to the supermarket;
      she was looking for someone to buy her fruit. (G-10: NE)
 A. went B. would go  C. might have gone D. may go
22. Student A: Could I borrow your pencil, please?
      Student B: ___________________________. (G-10: NE)
     A. Take it      B. I’ve no idea  
    C. No way     D. No, I’m sorry. I’m using it.
23. Secretary: May I help you?
      Visitor: _________________________________ (G-12: NE)
     A. Why do you ask?     B. What kind of help?
    C. What do you mean?   D. Can I see the boss, please?
24. Kuku: _______________________________________
       Lili: Delicious! The cook must be great. (G-12: NE)
       A. Was the cook so good?     B. Did you enjoy the dinner?
      C. What was the dinner like? D. What does the dinner like?
25. Student: _______________________________ (G-10: NE)
      Teacher: I’m afraid you can’t. There’ll be a test at the end  
      of the class today.
   A. I can go out, teacher. Right? 
   B. Can I leave your class early, sir?
   C. Why don’t you let me go early, sir? 
   D. I’m leaving your class early.
26. Sisay: I ________ something burning, Alemu, don’t you?
      Alemu: Yes, I do. It ______ a rubber dropped in a fire. 
       (G-10: NE)
A. have been smelling/must be 
B. have smelled /must have been
C. am smelling/must have been 
D. smell/must be
27. Brother: Life is getting more and more expensive here.   
      Shall we leave for another place?
     Sister: _______________________________________ (G-12: NE)
 A. How much do you earn now? 
 B. I guess it is the same everywhere
 C. How much do you need for your food? 
 D. True! Everybody is complaining these days.
28. Nana: Dad is getting us a new TV set. I am excited.
     Chala: _____________________________________ (G-12: NE)
 A. I can't believe that! 
 B. Is your dad rich enough?
 C. How much is he going to pay? 
 D. Many people around do not have a TV set
29. Father: What is our daughter doing?
       Mother: She ________________________ music.
   A. has written   B. has listened 
   C. Listened       D. is listening
30. Angela: Have you got any information about your son?
 Ileni: Although I’m not sure, ________.
 A. he is with his uncle B. he will be with his uncle
 C. he may be with his uncle D. he must be with his uncle

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